
Unlocking the Magic: A Fantasy Anthology

Created by Vivian Caethe

Mental illness isn’t magical. Back these stories that take an honest look at mental illness and portray it compassionately in fantasy.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

40% and We Are a Project Kickstarter Loves!
about 6 years ago – Thu, May 03, 2018 at 08:21:00 PM

I am so incredibly happy at the reception this has received! We are two days in and at 40% funded. You all are so amazing! I can't wait to share the preliminary pin design with you tomorrow (we're still working out some details)! 

And (even though I have used up my quota of exclamation marks) to add on to that, we are now a "Project We Love" via Kickstarter. It's so amazing to see so much support for this project. You all are so wonderful. I am so honored that you're willing to share my vision and excitement for this project.

Thank you again! (couldn't resist one last exclamation mark and another parenthetical)


1/3 of the Way There!
about 6 years ago – Wed, May 02, 2018 at 06:20:36 AM

Oh my goodness y'all. We're two days in and we've hit 33% of our funding goal. You are amazing! Thank you so much!

In a couple days, I'll reveal the pin design. It will be a metal pin that I think you will really like. I certainly do.

I have some awesome stretch goals for you when we get to that point, new authors, new ideas, all the new shinies. Let's keep this avalanche going so we can get to that point!

You are the ones who can make this possible, so please share, comment, and post about why this project is important to you. For those without spoons to do so, thank you for your support! Everything helps.

I feel like this project is super important and I'm glad you do as well. I'm excited to see what the authors (both scheduled and submitted) come up with. This is going to be a fun journey and I am so glad you have decided to come along with.


We've Launched!
about 6 years ago – Tue, May 01, 2018 at 05:53:21 AM


We're less than ten hours in and have already broken the $100 mark! Woohoo! Thank you very much, early backers! You're awesome!

Now, something I wanted to point out is the reason why I wanted to launch this project in May. May is Mental Health Awareness Month, which was started in the United States in 1949 and has continued through today. This year, I wanted to draw attention to it and really underscore how important it is to normalize mental health conditions and make it easier socially for people to seek help and treatment if they need it. One of the ways we influence culture is through media and I hope that this anthology will be one more step towards doing so. 

My goal with Unlocking the Magic is to show readers (both those who suffer from mental health issues as well as those who don't) that it's normal to have symptoms and experiences that can impact your mental health. Normalizing the experiences of people with mental illnesses can really be a first step toward making it healthy and socially acceptable to seek help in situations where otherwise we would feel alone and helpless.

The more people we can reach, the greater impact this project can have, so please share this campaign and tell your friends. If you feel safe/comfortable doing so, share your stories as well. It's important to make everyone feel like they're not alone and to be honest, that could save someone's life. Even if you can't contribute or don't have the resources to do so, please share!

Let's make a difference this month and raise awareness of mental health experiences! 

Thank you so much for your help.
